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Our practice

We give you solutions

Firma de abogados en Ciudad Juárez  que representa a empresas e individuos nacionales y extranjeros ante los tribunales mexicanos.

Proporcionamos la mejor consultoría en diversas áreas del Derecho Mexicano.
We intend to dignify the law practice in Mexico by recruiting educated attorneys who can solve our client's legal problems and be recognized as an international law firm.

Where you find the solution

Tell us about your problem, we want to solve it

Our Practice Areas

Tenemos una solución fiable para usted y todas sus necesidades.

Customs & Tax

Everything related to state income from taxpayers

Some features of this area of law:

Finance law

Specialized regulation on financial institutions in Mexico.

Some features of this area of law:

Administrative law

We study the organization and functions of Public Administration and its institutions in depth.

Some features of this area of law:

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Frequently asked questions

Encuentre una respuesta rápida aquí:

En que áreas nos especializamos

En PEGO Abogados nos especializamos…

Cuales son nuestros honorarios

Nuestros honorarios depende del tipo…

Requiero asesoría

Con mucho gusto podemos atenderte…

Nuestros Clientes*